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Chamber locator

Chamber locator provided by the London diving chamber. This is a guide only you always need to confirm where your nearest operational hyperbaric facility is prior to diving Click here

How much Oxygen do I need in the event of an diving or inwater incident ?

A very common calculation that is often overlooked, our oxygen calculator should help you prepare your emergency oxygen for any diving incident. Trust us there is nothing worse than running out during a real diving emergency, have confidence you will have enough preparedness is key *Under construction launch due 2023 qtr 2 

Australian standard diving resource

Queensland Australia, has arguably the most heavily regulated diving and marine based industry on the planet. The following link goes direct to a great resource provided by the Queensland government. Included are government standards for diving, training and educational videos for snorkel guiding and lookout duties and many templates. Best of all its all opensource, has multilingual publications and is free.

Diving Work Safe Link

Basic Emergency Plan * Can be used for applications to Dive Assist  Click Here
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Diving Medical resources

Dive Master Insurance Medical Advice page Link

London Diving Chamber FAQ Dive Medicine, An excellent free book to download Link

DDRC Diving Disease and Research Center, UK. Great source for information on all thing Hyperbaric. Link 

US Navy Manual Version 7, great read for physics and physiology Link 

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